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Set up Time Control
Click each step to see the action. You can also click the picture or use the arrow keys.
- 1. Open a web browser.
- 2. Type into the address bar and press Enter on the keyboard to access the routerʼs settings.
- 3. When you have Signed in (see the Topic “Log into the Router Management Interface”), click Devices.
- 4. Click Edit on the desired device.
- 5. Click on the Enabled toggle to turn on the Time of day access control.
- 6. Click on the Mode drop down menu and select the desired option (e.g., Block).
- 7. Click in the Start Time field.
- 8. Set the desired Start Time.
- 9. Click in the Stop Time field.
- 10. Set the desired Stop time.
- 11. Click on the desired days of the week you wish the Time Control to be active.
- 12. Click Apply.
- 13. Click Close.
- 14. Time of day access control is now enabled on the desired device. To remove, click Devices.
- 15. Click on the toggle to turn the Time of day (ToD) access control to OFF.